Archangels Michael and Uriel
on healing.
Tonight we
like to talk about the healing energies all have in themselves. It is only
waiting to be tapped into. This is the logical explanation of why people heal
from some diseases and why some don’t. It is just a matter of willingness to
tap into these healing energies. Of course it matters if someone chooses
sickness as part of learning to be humble or is using the sickness to get rid
of an attitude, a character trade or an air of being important. It just depends
on what someone is taking upon him or herself to learn and how he or she wants
to learn it.
Diseases are the last way of trying to get a lesson through to people.
So if you are sick, see yourself as stubborn. In time, when there are more
people sensitive to the lessons and the information in a sickness, the books on
why you have a certain disease will increase in precision. Now all the books
talk about not loving yourself enough. In general this is true, but it is in
general. Someone would like to know in which specific area one doesn’t love him
or herself enough and how this loving not enough is expressed in a thought, an
idea, or an attitude.
What is the real disease and
what is cured from it’s symptoms and
what is a secondary disease?
If one cures the symptoms of the first disease but the attitude, or
thought, still exists, a secondary disease will develop itself. For a disease
is the sign of an out of balance, out of love balance, of a person with love,
his/her soul, and a new balance to cure the basic back to love.
Healing-people will know in time the distinction between the first
disease and the secondary one, just with feeling, knowing, and the different
symptoms between first and second ones.
Healing energy. Lot’s have already been said about it, and lot’s have
already been written about it.
We are not here to undo all this information or make a profound addition
to it. We like to talk and discuss the healing-well inside all of you. Can you
imagine a well, a puddle which is big enough for you to swim in? The liquid is
fluid enough for you to breath? The taste, smell, feeling is so fine and caressing
that you want to stay in it for ages? Why don’t you?
That’s just one image of the healing pond inside you.
Now another: float in the air with a gentle breeze of air, a warm scent
of fresh flowers, gentle light around you, breathing the light, eating the
light, being the light. What’s wrong with this picture?
Again, nothing.
What if you decide that you deserve to stay there always? What if you decide
to leave all limited thoughts of not deserving health, or not willing to face
some issues in your life? What if you decide not to take diseases upon you from
others. What if you program your body not to express itself with diseases you
didn’t develop yourself? You happen to meet someone and your body said: “nice disease,
I can take that one on me, so I can keep in control, or so I can communicate
more attention towards me, or I can have another symptom of being unhappy”. Or
your body said: “my family origins are having this kind of disease, I have to
go along with the pattern”.
Except of being real threatening sick, you have time enough to conquer
all these patterns and stay in the healing pond of love you all have inside you.
I heard someone thinking: “it is all part of believing”. Yes, belief is
important. Once you believe yourself to be free, you are going to act as being
free and you will feel yourself free. Then you get yourself rid of limited
belief systems that don’t fit anymore and then you are what you believed in the
first place. You will experience that you are indeed free.
It is the same with healing yourself, or being sick, or getting old.
What you believe you will attract, so you will experience what you
And you become what you believe. But this is just a side path on the
Special healing techniques. There are a lot of them already in the world
and they all tap into the well of healing inside
a being. Declaring that one is healthy just like Jesus did, is enough. But he spoke
with authority and all believed him.1 It is just the well that
matters. With limited belief systems, secondary diseases, the soul arranges the
transfer to the other life. You get a kaleidoscope of different healing
techniques fitting to the specific need of the soul for transferring
information, growth and love in the reality of this life. With this connection in order, no one is sick. For the
soul has it’s endless supply of healing energy available.2
If you are still sick, what kind of limit are you fond of? And is it
your purpose to deal with this limit through this sickness soul contract or is
it just something you took along with you during the life you are living? You
don’t know? Sometimes you have to look very hard to the core belief of your
existence for some issues are karma related and not easily found.
What if you like to be sick? What if your beliefs make you sick? And
what if your life style makes you sick? Let me explain. You belief that you
have to work for a living, and you don’t want to. For the trees, the birds and
so on don’t work, so why should you? So you are feeling limited by work. What
kind of disease will you get? One that will limit you from doing your work,
your task in the world. Not one that will ruin your life, just one that limits
you. And you will feel the limit you gave yourself in your thoughts in your
body. And then you have to deal with these limits. You start to get used to
them, complain a bit, take some medicine, develop a fondness in body towards
this sickness, and the disease is becoming chronic. Congratulations. But what
was the first thing? You feeling yourself limited. For without limits you
should live different. If you believe this yourself, go and live your life
without that limit. Do as you want. Start a new education to become whatever
you want to be. Limits are your self, and the world is your playground. I am
stupid, and you can’t learn proper, as a reaction, is just a limit. Don’t
condemn one for having limits, or tell them that they are living limits, wrong
thought patterns and so on. What Jesus told you one day: condemn not and thy
shall not be condemned, is still true. For this is still something you do
yourself to yourself. For every opinion is only in the eyes of the beholder.
Back to the thread of this channeling. Mostly people who are complaining
about limits are the ones who didn’t know what to do when they had no limits.
For if you are triggered to do something, you will do it. Of course if you
listen to your soul and your higher self. So one limits oneself because of the not
knowing what to do. One can only limit oneself because one valued not enough
what one likes to do. And of course living in a world with rules, being a
species with rights of the species for procreation and sustaining the species, one
has taken upon him or herself to live in the system and obey the rules of that
particular system. And yes, the rules of the universe go beyond the rules of
the system and governs all life patterns, and creation patterns. But at that
time you are growing beyond the limits of ones society and home planet into a
universal, galactic love being. At that time we come to congratulate you with a
handshake. And that is a promise.
Promises, vows, wishes, yearnings, all can make one sick. Especially
when you are dealing with energy of emotions, feelings, and unseen directions
of energy in a creation that opposes the energy of your soul and his or her
ideas for your life. And of course it doesn’t matter if you keep or not keep
your promises, vows, wishes, yearnings etc., for if you keep them you force
your energy and if you don’t keep them you leave a tie of energy in a knot
(which makes you sick too). And again you have limited yourself.
As you can see there is a lot to say about limits and limiting yourself.
So many different diseases can be a sign of a limit. And which one is a secondary
one? Which one doesn’t tell something about the beginning of the disease, the
very reason of expressing oneself through disease?
Let’s talk about eating healthy. This is a choice you think? And why do
bad things taste good? Okay, all is perception and part of ones perception is
part of the training how to think about things. Smoking the first time tastes
awful, but when you have smoked in the body of your mother, that awful experience
can be in the womb and forgotten. Or that memory was in a previous life. But if
you train yourself to smoke, you are going to like it. Nice computer you have!
You can train it to run a devastating program if you like. Who would do
something like that? Humans all the time.
So all is perception and training. So why is eating healthy a hard
choice which no one can easily make without ideas of yearning for some specific
food? It is all about ideas. The idea that you have to eat proper is something
you impose upon yourself. So that is secondary programming. For a good life, I
have to eat healthy. Your idea is: “I feel lousy and I have to eat chocolate so
I don’t feel it that hard”. This is the programming before “I have to eat
healthy”. So you stop eating chocolate. You really try but don’t succeed. For
the idea about the chocolate is stronger and filling a basic need inside you.
At least that’s what you think.
Let’s look very hard. “I feel lousy.” OK. Why? What kind of limited
believe is this part of? What kind of balance do you like to restore with
chocolate? What do you really need, want? This is just an example on how far
the ideas are stuck in ones personality. “Because I feel lousy, I can’t create
some joy in the world for I can’t buy me a big TV.” Why do you need that big TV?
“So I can feel that I have success.” Why do you like to have success? For whom?
What do you like to prove? Why do you like to prove it? What does this tell you
about yourself? Do you love yourself enough do you think?3 And what
kind of disease is related to this part of thinking? “Oh, several.” Yes of
course, several. But which is your souls ousting on imbalance? And are we
talking about an untreated first disease or a secondary disease, or a third
one? If you cure the third, the second will show itself, and then after curing
the second one, you will see the first one. That’s why all become very
disappointed when treating themselves with homeopathic cures, or curing the
belief systems of one selves, it never ends. Until the first one is cured. And
that takes a long time.
Living a life in balance is much easier, but all are living in an
unbalanced society with sick making belief systems and so on. So the long way
of curing has to be taken.
The shortcut as we told in the beginning of this channeling, is the one
of believing that you are worth to live in the healing pond of energy or the
healing pond of air etc. Every part of believing that you are worth it makes
leaving bad habits like smoking, drinking, eating sugar and chocolate easier.
Although some reprogramming and restyling or your inner world is needed, for
second and third belief systems will mask the problems of why you will leave
your healing pond and fall in the unbalance which makes disease necessary.
Call upon us when you need to break a bad thinking habit. Call upon us
when you need a lovely thought for yourself. Calling upon us really helps.4
When you give yourself the permission for change without a limit. But that will
be a big act of self love. We support you. Now you need to do it. We will wait,
don’t worry.
With greetings, love and blessings,
Archangels Michael and Uriel.
Editors notes:
A man called Bruno
Gröning was also able to speak to people and return to them the belief they
needed to heal themselves from within. Click here for extra
If you find trouble
in finding faith in your soul, God, the One, meditation and prayer are worth
the time. There is also the advanced option of getting help from God on Earth,
Sai Baba.
Click here for meditations. Lots about Sai
Baba here.
As a matter of
coincidence, which is just a way of perceiving miracles, I found this related piece.
And it’s free folks! ;-)